I gave a presentation a few years ago to a large audience. I told them what my ideas were related to living a good life. I labeled it "KOACH'S KOMMANDMENTS and the gist of the message is below.
I hope it's meaningful to you, regardless of your age.
Keep Weight Under Control
Terrible crisis! More than 1/3 of
population is obese! Nearly 3 out of 4
men are considered overweight or obese.
Problem? Too many calories coming
in, too few being burned up.
Outlook Must be Positive
One of the most important traits a person can have is optimism. Is your cup half full or half empty? Having a positive outlook is extremely
important in overcoming illness. I know,
I've been there!
Make sure you serve!
We all have an obligation to serve.
The opportunities are unlimited for you.
Give of yourself. Give of your
time and resources. "As to whom
much is given, much is expected".
Do your part. Be a 'giver' not a
25-40% of people don't take their medicine as prescribed. If your doctor prescribes medicine for you,
take it as instructed. Refill as prescribed
and follow directions. Along same lines,
There is no white-haired old family friend/doctor to do it for you, it’s
up to you!
A Renewed Faith
Every tick of the clock takes us closer to Crossing the Bar. Whether 14,
44 or 84, we are all heading for the Other Side. Make sure you are ready and have a personal
relationship with God.
Not Old Thinking
I'm not sure my Grandfather nor my mother would approve of me using this
one....it formerly was the advertising slogan for a soft drink that we don't
mention around my house. But they had a
wonderful slogan and it’s so true. You
need to "think young". Note I did
not say ACT young, I said think young.
You are what you think you are; if you view yourself as old, others will
too. My mother exemplified this, At 90
she was still able to laugh at her mistakes.
She learned to play the ukulele at 85.
She knew the trends and kept up.
She thought young, even at 93.
Demonstrate Your Love
Demonstrate your love to your family and friends. Tell them you love them, verbally. Then demonstrate that love to them. If you have hurt someone, ask their
forgiveness. If someone has hurt you,
give it up, forgive them. The bitterness
you hold in your heart will negatively affect you more than them.
Mental Exercise
You've got to exercise your mind just as you have to exercise your
body. Your mind will become less
functional without use, same as your body.
Do different things with your mind.
Challenge yourself to learn things.
You can access more information in 1/2 a second on Google than you could
research in a lifetime? It's all there
waiting for you, if you ask for it.
Exercise Your Body
Walk, get moving. Get your heart
pumping. Lift weights. You can get more exercise. You can walk.
If you can't walk you can still do lifting exercise. Do them daily. Start slowly, but start now and keep it up!
Never Give Up
Because you never know what you’d do ‘til you’re the one facing a particular
situation – even if you’ve been through “it” with someone near and dear – until
it’s you – you don’t know what you’d do.
Remember, life is circumstantial; it teaches us and shapes us daily.
Despite what your Daddy thought, we don’t have a monopoly on right and
wrong here in our little section of the world.
If I pulled one hair from my head, it would represent our small part of
the world. Be tolerant of others. Just because you do something one way doesn't
mean the person living down the street or on the other side of town that does
it differently is wrong. Heaven forbid,
she may be right and YOU wrong. Don't judge....unless
your life is perfect, and I think the last man who lived a perfect life died
about 2,000 years ago. Be tolerant of
your neighbor; be respectful of his culture, beliefs and customs.
Stop Abusive Habits
Unless you've been living in a cave, you know smoking is terribly bad
for your health. But there are many
other things that you can do to your body, just as bad. Abuse prescription drugs? Alcohol?
Food? The list is endless. Stop rushing your death. Take care of the only body that you will ever
Kenneth Williams, @MarathonKoach.
To find all my longer “Tips from @MarathonKoach,” click HERE.
And if you’re interested in stories about running the world’s greatest marathon, check out BOSTONLOG.com!
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